Weekly Exercise

Looking for a way to increase your upper body strength and as well as increasing core strength, then these 2 exercises will help. IF you have a weak lower back or weak core then please get with your fitness professional before trying either one of these exercises.

When done properly and with some form of consistency you should notice gains within 4-6 weeks . Keep in mind everyone's body responds to physically stimulus differently. What I recommend doing is figuring out your baseline. Complete as many correct done reps as possible , then every other day or so add 1-2 reps each time you do exercises.

To better judge gains the first time you do exercises to get your baseline see how many reps you can complete in 2 minutes. Rest as needed within the 2 minutes , but once your form starts to fail stop.  If you like you can record yourself doing exercises and send me a clip . My contact info will be posted at the bottom.

Email: keven@bodimatrix.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bodiblasters/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keven_myfitnesschefchicago/

At Home Program On Me

With the Coronavirus causing gyms to shut down some may want to continue their fitness I've decided to offer a complimentary 12 week At Home fitness routine . No strings attached, just something to help you keep moving in the right direction.  Just click the link below and follow instruction! IF you have any questions please free to reach out to me!

At Home 12 Week Program - $0.00